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The initial stage of a long success story begins in 1957, when Michael Knudsen decided to give the first three bottles made as a gift to an NBC editor after completing the fragrance. He passed the F. R. Tripler men's department store (founded in 1886) at 46th and Madison Avenue. For decades, this store was one of the most exclusive in Manhattan.
He intended to sell his perfume in that store, but the sales staff dismissed it as trivial. There happened to be a perfume and drugstore buyer who was passionate about perfumes. As a result, Gravel became a permanent addition to the inventory. Gravel has only been available in the most prestigious stores since then.
Meet the Perfumer
Gravel fragrances are as distinctive and charismatic as their founder, Michael B. Knudsen. Gravel is a biographical sketch embodied in his perfumes. It all starts with the journey across the ocean from Europe to the New World (Across The Ocean) to pursue the American Dream (American Dream) and ended with creating the first perfume for men in the United States (A Man's Cologne). Since the first bottle of perfume was sold in New York, on 46th Street (46th Street), each bottle is unique due to the addition of gravel from the Hudson River in New York (Hudson River NY).